Reviews & Testimonials
Bartlett Fiddle Mic Review
by Sherman at Great on-board mini mic; true sound, good feedback rejection and plenty of gain. Very happy with flexibility provides on-stage and tone it produces. Recently play...
Bartlett Fiddle Mic Review
by Sherman at Great on-board mini mic; true sound, good feedback rejection and plenty of gain. Very happy with flexibility provides on-stage and tone it produces. Recently play...

Stage Floor Mic-EC's Provide Excellent Sound fo...
"Your Stage Floor mics worked GREAT for an outdoor play."
Stage Floor Mic-EC's Provide Excellent Sound fo...
"Your Stage Floor mics worked GREAT for an outdoor play."

French Recording Studio Uses Bartlett Mics
"Four Bartlett Audio microphones enrich the 115 microphones of the studio."
French Recording Studio Uses Bartlett Mics
"Four Bartlett Audio microphones enrich the 115 microphones of the studio."

Bartlett Mics Featured in Concert in Santiago, ...
Bartlett microphones helped to deliver the sound in a beautiful concert at Teatro Oriente.
Bartlett Mics Featured in Concert in Santiago, ...
Bartlett microphones helped to deliver the sound in a beautiful concert at Teatro Oriente.

Guitar Mic Review from a Slovakian Nylon-String...
"...the mic sounds marvellous. Absolutely natural - that's what everybody is looking for."
Guitar Mic Review from a Slovakian Nylon-String...
"...the mic sounds marvellous. Absolutely natural - that's what everybody is looking for."

Floor Mics Solve Challenge Facing School Music ...
School music teacher Brian Weiland spent over 12 years in a quest for clear, consistent sound reinforcement for his young actors and singers. He tried stand-mounted mics, hanging mics and...
Floor Mics Solve Challenge Facing School Music ...
School music teacher Brian Weiland spent over 12 years in a quest for clear, consistent sound reinforcement for his young actors and singers. He tried stand-mounted mics, hanging mics and...